Monday 5th, 8:30am - 9am
Welcome and Awards
Monday 5th, 9am - 10:30am
Formal Systems
IronFleet: Proving Practical Distributed Systems Correct
Distributed systems are notorious for harboring subtle bugs.
Verification can, in principle, eliminate these bugs a priori,
but verification has historically been difficult to apply at full-program
scale, much less distributed-system scale.
We describe a methodology for building practical and
provably correct distributed systems based on a unique blend
of TLA-style state-machine refinement and Hoare-logic verification.
We demonstrate the methodology on a complex
implementation of a Paxos-based replicated state machine
library and a lease-based sharded key-value store. We prove
that each obeys a concise safety specification, as well as desirable
liveness requirements. Each implementation achieves
performance competitive with a reference system. With our
methodology and lessons learned, we aim to raise the standard
for distributed systems from “tested” to “correct.”
Using Crash Hoare Logic for Certifying the FSCQ File System
FSCQ is the first file system with a machine-checkable proof
(using the Coq proof assistant) that its implementation meets
its specification and whose specification includes crashes.
FSCQ provably avoids bugs that have plagued previous file
systems, such as performing disk writes without sufficient
barriers or forgetting to zero out directory blocks. If a crash
happens at an inopportune time, these bugs can lead to data
loss. FSCQ’s theorems prove that, under any sequence of
crashes followed by reboots, FSCQ will recover the file system
correctly without losing data.
To state FSCQ’s theorems, this paper introduces the Crash
Hoare logic (CHL), which extends traditional Hoare logic with
a crash condition, a recovery procedure, and logical address
spaces for specifying disk states at different abstraction levels.
CHL also reduces the proof effort for developers through
proof automation. Using CHL, we developed, specified, and
proved the correctness of the FSCQ file system. Although
FSCQ’s design is relatively simple, experiments with FSCQ
running as a user-level file system show that it is sufficient
to run Unix applications with usable performance. FSCQ’s
specifications and proofs required significantly more work
than the implementation, but the work was manageable even
for a small team of a few researchers.
SibylFS: formal specification and oracle-based testing for POSIX and real-world file systems
Systems depend critically on the behaviour of file systems,
but that behaviour differs in many details, both between
implementations and between each implementation and the
POSIX (and other) prose specifications. Building robust and
portable software requires understanding these details and
differences, but there is currently no good way to systematically
describe, investigate, or test file system behaviour
across this complex multi-platform interface.
In this paper we show how to characterise the envelope
of allowed behaviour of file systems in a form that enables
practical and highly discriminating testing. We give a mathematically
rigorous model of file system behaviour, SibylFS,
that specifies the range of allowed behaviours of a file system
for any sequence of the system calls within our scope,
and that can be used as a test oracle to decide whether an observed
trace is allowed by the model, both for validating the
model and for testing file systems against it. SibylFS is modular
enough to not only describe POSIX, but also specific
Linux, OS X and FreeBSD behaviours. We complement the
model with an extensive test suite of over 21,000 tests; this
can be run on a target file system and checked in less than
5 minutes, making it usable in practice. Finally, we report
experimental results for around 40 configurations of many
file systems, identifying many differences and some serious
Monday 5th, 11am - 12:30pm
Distributed Transactions
No compromises: distributed transactions with consistency, availability, and performance
Transactions with strong consistency and high availability
simplify building and reasoning about distributed systems.
However, previous implementations performed poorly. This
forced system designers to avoid transactions completely,
to weaken consistency guarantees, or to provide single-machine
transactions that require programmers to partition
their data. In this paper, we show that there is no need to
compromise in modern data centers. We show that a main
memory distributed computing platform called FaRM can
provide distributed transactions with strict serializability,
high performance, durability, and high availability. FaRM
achieves a peak throughput of 140 million TATP transactions
per second on 90 machines with a 4.9 TB database, and
it recovers from a failure in less than 50 ms. Key to achieving
these results was the design of new transaction, replication,
and recovery protocols from first principles to leverage
commodity networks with RDMA and a new, inexpensive
approach to providing non-volatile DRAM.
Implementing Linearizability at Large Scale and Low Latency
Linearizability is the strongest form of consistency for
concurrent systems, but most large-scale storage systems
settle for weaker forms of consistency. RIFL provides a
general-purpose mechanism for converting at-least-once
RPC semantics to exactly-once semantics, thereby making
it easy to turn non-linearizable operations into linearizable
ones. RIFL is designed for large-scale systems and is
lightweight enough to be used in low-latency environments.
RIFL handles data migration by associating linearizability
metadata with objects in the underlying store and migrating
metadata with the corresponding objects. It uses a lease
mechanism to implement garbage collection for metadata.
We have implemented RIFL in the RAMCloud storage system
and used it to make basic operations such as writes
and atomic increments linearizable; RIFL adds only 530 ns
to the 13.5 µs base latency for durable writes. We also used
RIFL to construct a new multi-object transaction mechanism
in RAMCloud; RIFL’s facilities significantly simplified the
transaction implementation. The transaction mechanism can
commit simple distributed transactions in about 20 µs
and it outperforms the H-Store main-memory database system
for the TPC-C benchmark.
Fast In-memory Transaction Processing using RDMA and HTM
We present DrTM, a fast in-memory transaction processing
system that exploits advanced hardware features (i.e.,
RDMA and HTM) to improve latency and throughput by
over one order of magnitude compared to state-of-the-art
distributed transaction systems. The high performance of
DrTM is enabled by mostly offloading concurrency control
within a local machine into HTM and leveraging the
strong consistency between RDMA and HTM to ensure serializability
among concurrent transactions across machines.
We further build an efficient hash table for DrTM by leveraging
HTM and RDMA to simplify the design and notably
improve the performance. We describe how DrTM supports
common database features like read-only transactions and
logging for durability. Evaluation using typical OLTP workloads
including TPC-C and SmallBank show that DrTM
scales well on a 6-node cluster and achieves over 5.52 and
138 million transactions per second for TPC-C and Small-
Bank respectively. This number outperforms a state-of-theart
distributed transaction system (namely Calvin) by at least
17.9× for TPC-C.
Monday 5th, 2pm - 3:30pm
Distributed Systems
Paxos Made Transparent
State machine replication (SMR) leverages distributed consensus
protocols such as PAXOS to keep multiple replicas of
a program consistent in face of replica failures or network
partitions. This fault tolerance is enticing on implementing a
principled SMR system that replicates general programs, especially
server programs that demand high availability. Unfortunately,
SMR assumes deterministic execution, but most
server programs are multi-threaded and thus non-deterministic.
Moreover, existing SMR systems provide narrow state
machine interfaces to suit specific programs, and it can be
quite strenuous and error-prone to orchestrate a general program
into these interfaces.
This paper presents CRANE, an SMR system that transparently
replicates general server programs. CRANE achieves
distributed consensus on the socket API, a common interface
to almost all server programs. It leverages deterministic
(specifically, our prior system PARROT) to make
multi-threaded replicas deterministic. It uses a new technique
we call time bubbling to efficiently tackle a difficult challenge
of non-deterministic network input timing. Evaluation
on five widely used server programs (e.g., Apache, ClamAV,
and MySQL) shows that CRANE is easy to use, has moderate
overhead, and is robust. CRANE’s source code is at
E2: A Framework for NFV Applications
By moving network appliance functionality from proprietary hardware to
software, Network
Function Virtualization promises to bring the advantages of cloud computing to
network packet processing. However, the evolution of cloud computing
(particularly for
data analytics) has greatly benefited from application-independent methods
for scaling
and placement that achieve high efficiency while relieving programmers of
these burdens.
NFV has no such general management solutions. In this paper, we present a
scalable and
application-agnostic scheduling framework for packet processing, and compare
its performance
to current approaches.
Vuvuzela: Scalable Private Messaging Resistant to Traffic Analysis
Private messaging over the Internet has proven challenging to
implement, because even if message data is encrypted, it is
difficult to hide metadata about who is communicating in the
face of traffic analysis. Systems that offer strong privacy
such as Dissent, scale to only several thousand
clients, because they use techniques with superlinear cost in
the number of clients (e.g., each client broadcasts their message
to all other clients). On the other hand, scalable systems,
such as Tor, do not protect against traffic analysis, making
them ineffective in an era of pervasive network monitoring.
Vuvuzela is a new scalable messaging system that offers
strong privacy guarantees, hiding both message data and metadata.
Vuvuzela is secure against adversaries that observe and
tamper with all network traffic, and that control all nodes except
for one server. Vuvuzela’s key insight is to minimize
the number of variables observable by an attacker, and to use
differential privacy techniques to add noise to all observable
variables in a way that provably hides information about which
users are communicating. Vuvuzela has a linear cost in the
number of clients, and experiments show that it can achieve a
throughput of 68,000 messages per second for 1 million users
with a 37-second end-to-end latency on commodity servers.
Monday 5th, 4pm - 5:30pm
Concurrency and Performance
Parallelizing User-Defined Aggregations using Symbolic Execution
User-defined aggregations (UDAs) are integral to large-scale
data-processing systems, such as MapReduce and Hadoop,
because they let programmers express application-specific aggregation
logic. System-supported associative aggregations,
such as counting or finding the maximum, are data-parallel
and thus these systems optimize their execution, leading in
many cases to orders-of-magnitude performance improvements.
These optimizations, however, are not possible on
arbitrary UDAs.
This paper presents SYMPLE, a system for performing
MapReduce-style group-by-aggregate queries that automatically
parallelizes UDAs. Users specify UDAs using stylized
C++ code with possible loop-carried dependences. SYMPLE
parallelizes these UDAs by breaking dependences using symbolic
execution, where unresolved dependences are treated
as symbolic values and the SYMPLE runtime partially evaluates
the resulting symbolic expressions on concrete input.
Programmers write UDAs using SYMPLE’s symbolic data
types, which look and behave like standard C++ types. These
data types (i) encode specialized decision procedures for efficient
symbolic execution and (ii) generate compact symbolic
expressions for efficient network transfers. Evaluation on
both Amazon’s Elastic cloud and a private 380-node Hadoop
cluster housing terabytes of data demonstrates that SYMPLE
reduces network communication up to several orders of magnitude
and job latency by as much as 5.9× for a representative
set of queries.
Read-Log-Update: A Lightweight Synchronization Mechanism for Concurrent Programming
This paper introduces read-log-update (RLU), a novel extension
of the popular read-copy-update (RCU) synchronization
mechanism that supports scalability of concurrent code
by allowing unsynchronized sequences of reads to execute
concurrently with updates. RLU overcomes the major limitations
of RCU by allowing, for the first time, concurrency
of reads with multiple writers, and providing automation that
eliminates most of the programming difficulty associated
with RCU programming. At the core of the RLU design is
a logging and coordination mechanism inspired by software
transactional memory algorithms. In a collection of micro-benchmarks
in both the kernel and user space, we show that
RLU both simplifies the code and matches or improves on
the performance of RCU. As an example of its power, we
show how it readily scales the performance of a real-world
application, Kyoto Cabinet, a truly difficult concurrent programming
feat to attempt in general, and in particular with
classic RCU.
COZ: Finding Code that Counts with Causal Profiling
Improving performance is a central concern for software
developers. To locate optimization opportunities, developers
rely on software profilers. However, these profilers only report
where programs spent their time: optimizing that code may
have no impact on performance. Past profilers thus both waste
developer time and make it difficult for them to uncover
significant optimization opportunities.
This paper introduces causal profiling. Unlike past profiling
approaches, causal profiling indicates exactly where
programmers should focus their optimization efforts, and
quantifies their potential impact. Causal profiling works by
running performance experiments during program execution.
Each experiment calculates the impact of any potential optimization
by virtually speeding up code: inserting pauses
that slow down all other code running concurrently. The key
insight is that this slowdown has the same relative effect as
running that line faster, thus “virtually” speeding it up.
We present COZ, a causal profiler, which we evaluate on
a range of highly-tuned applications: Memcached, SQLite,
and the PARSEC benchmark suite. COZ identifies previously
unknown optimization opportunities that are both significant
and targeted. Guided by COZ, we improve the performance
of Memcached by 9%, SQLite by 25%, and accelerate six
PARSEC applications by as much as 68%; in most cases,
these optimizations involve modifying under 10 lines of code.
Tuesday 6th, 9am - 10:30am
Energy Aware Systems
JouleGuard: Energy Guarantees for Approximate Applications
Energy consumption limits battery life in mobile devices and
increases costs for servers and data centers. Approximate
computing addresses energy concerns by allowing applications
to trade accuracy for decreased energy consumption.
Approximation frameworks can guarantee accuracy or performance
and generally reduce energy usage; however, they
provide no energy guarantees. Such guarantees would be
beneficial for users who have a fixed energy budget and want
to maximize application accuracy within that budget. We address
this need by presenting JouleGuard: a runtime control
system that coordinates approximate applications with
system resource usage to provide control theoretic formal
guarantees of energy consumption, while maximizing accuracy.
We implement JouleGuard and test it on three different
platforms (a mobile, tablet, and server) with eight different
approximate applications created from two different
frameworks. We find that JouleGuard respects energy budgets,
provides near optimal accuracy, adapts to phases in application
workload, and provides better outcomes than application
approximation or system resource adaptation alone.
JouleGuard is general with respect to the applications and
systems it controls, making it a suitable runtime for a number
of approximate computing frameworks.
Software Defined Batteries
Different battery chemistries perform better on different
axes, such as energy density, cost, peak power, recharge
time, longevity, and efficiency. Mobile system designers are
constrained by existing technology, and are forced to select
a single chemistry that best meets their diverse needs,
thereby compromising other desirable features. In this paper,
we present a new hardware-software system, called Software
Defined Battery (SDB), which allows system designers to integrate
batteries of different chemistries. SDB exposes APIs
to the operating system which control the amount of charge
flowing in and out of each battery, enabling it to dynamically
trade one battery property for another depending on
application and/or user needs. Using microbenchmarks from
our prototype SDB implementation, and through detailed
simulations, we demonstrate that it is possible to combine
batteries which individually excel along different axes to deliver
an enhanced collective performance when compared to
traditional battery packs.
Drowsy Power Management
Portable computing devices have fast multi-core processors, large
memories, and many on-board sensors and radio interfaces, but
are often limited by their energy consumption. Traditional power
management subsystems have been extended for smartphones and
other portable devices, with the intention of maximizing the time
that the devices are in a low-power “sleep” state. The approaches
taken by these subsystems prove inefficient for many short-lived
tasks common to portable devices, e.g., querying a sensor or polling
a cloud service.
We introduce Drowsy, a new power management state that replaces
“awake.” In the Drowsy state, not all system components
are woken up, only the minimal set required for a pending task(s).
Drowsy constructs and maintains the minimal task set by dynamically
and continuously inferring dependencies between system
components at run-time.We have implemented Drowsy within Android,
and our results show a significant improvement (1.5-5×) in
energy efficiency for common short-lived tasks.
Tuesday 6th, 11am - 12:30pm
More Distributed Transactions
Yesquel: Scalable SQL storage for Web applications
Web applications have been shifting their storage systems
from SQL to NOSQL systems. NOSQL systems scale well
but drop many convenient SQL features, such as joins, secondary
indexes, and/or transactions. We design, develop, and
evaluate Yesquel, a system that provides performance and
scalability comparable to NOSQL with all the features of a
SQL relational system. Yesquel has a new architecture and a
new distributed data structure, called YDBT, which Yesquel
uses for storage, and which performs well under contention
by many concurrent clients. We evaluate Yesquel and find
that Yesquel performs almost as well as Redis—a popular
NOSQL system—and much better than MYSQL Cluster,
while handling SQL queries at scale.
Building Consistent Transactions with Inconsistent Replication
Application programmers increasingly prefer distributed storage
systems with strong consistency and distributed transactions
(e.g., Google’s Spanner) for their strong guarantees and
ease of use. Unfortunately, existing transactional storage systems
are expensive to use — in part because they require costly
replication protocols, like Paxos, for fault tolerance. In this
paper, we present a new approach that makes transactional
storage systems more affordable: we eliminate consistency
from the replication protocol while still providing distributed
transactions with strong consistency to applications.
We present TAPIR — the Transactional Application Protocol
for Inconsistent Replication — the first transaction protocol
to use a novel replication protocol, called inconsistent replication,
that provides fault tolerance without consistency. By
enforcing strong consistency only in the transaction protocol,
TAPIR can commit transactions in a single round-trip and order
distributed transactions without centralized coordination.
We demonstrate the use of TAPIR in a transactional key-value
store, TAPIR-KV. Compared to conventional systems, TAPIR-KV
provides better latency and throughput.
High-Performance ACID via Modular Concurrency Control
This paper describes the design, implementation,
and evaluation of Callas, a distributed database system that
offers to unmodified, transactional ACID applications the opportunity
to achieve a level of performance that can currently
only be reached by rewriting all or part of the application in a
BASE/NoSQL style. The key to combining performance and
ease of programming is to decouple the ACID
Callas offers identically for all transactions—from the
mechanism used to support it. MCC, the new Modular approach
to Concurrency Control at the core of Callas, makes
it possible to partition transactions in groups with the guarantee
that, as long as the concurrency control mechanism
within each group upholds a given isolation property, that
property will also hold among transactions in different groups.
Because of their limited and specialized scope, these group-specific
mechanisms can be customized for concurrency with
unprecedented aggressiveness. In our MySQL Cluster-based
prototype, Callas yields an 8.2× throughput gain for TPC-C
with no programming effort.
Tuesday 6th, 2pm - 3:30pm
Experience and Practice
Existential Consistency: Measuring and Understanding Consistency at Facebook
Replicated storage for large Web services faces a trade-off
between stronger forms of consistency and higher performance
properties. Stronger consistency prevents anomalies,
i.e., unexpected behavior visible to users, and reduces programming
complexity. There is much recent work on improving
the performance properties of systems with stronger
consistency, yet the flip-side of this trade-off remains elusively
hard to quantify. To the best of our knowledge, no
prior work does so for a large, production Web service.
We use measurement and analysis of requests to Facebook’s
TAO system to quantify how often anomalies happen
in practice, i.e., when results returned by eventually consistent
TAO differ from what is allowed by stronger consistency
models. For instance, our analysis shows that 0.0004% of
reads to vertices would return different results in a linearizable
system. This in turn gives insight into the benefits of
stronger consistency; 0.0004% of reads are potential anomalies
that a linearizable system would prevent. We directly
study local consistency models—i.e., those we can analyze
using requests to a sample of objects—and use the relationships
between models to infer bounds on the others.
We also describe a practical consistency monitoring system
that tracks ϕ-consistency, a new consistency metric ideally
suited for health monitoring. In addition, we give insight
into the increased programming complexity of weaker consistency
by discussing bugs our monitoring uncovered, and
anti-patterns we teach developers to avoid.
Virtual CPU Validation
Testing the hypervisor is important for ensuring the correct
operation and security of systems, but it is a hard and challenging
task. We observe, however, that the challenge is similar in
many respects to that of testing real CPUs. We thus propose
to apply the testing environment of CPU vendors to hypervisors.
We demonstrate the advantages of our proposal by
adapting Intel’s testing facility to the Linux KVM hypervisor.
We uncover and fix 117 bugs, six of which are security
vulnerabilities. We further find four flaws in Intel virtualization
technology, causing a disparity between the observable
behavior of code running on virtual and bare-metal servers.
Holistic Configuration Management at Facebook
Facebook’s web site and mobile apps are very dynamic.
Every day, they undergo thousands of online configuration
changes, and execute trillions of configuration checks to
personalize the product features experienced by hundreds
of million of daily active users. For example, configuration
changes help manage the rollouts of new product features,
perform A/B testing experiments on mobile devices to identify
the best echo-canceling parameters for VoIP, rebalance
the load across global regions, and deploy the latest machine
learning models to improve News Feed ranking. This paper
gives a comprehensive description of the use cases, design,
implementation, and usage statistics of a suite of tools that
manage Facebook’s configuration end-to-end, including the
frontend products, backend systems, and mobile apps.
Tuesday 6th, 4pm - 5:30pm
Bugs and Analysis
Failure Sketching: A Technique for Automated Root Cause Diagnosis of In-Production Failures
Developers spend a lot of time searching for the root causes
of software failures. For this, they traditionally try to reproduce
those failures, but unfortunately many failures are
so hard to reproduce in a test environment that developers
spend days or weeks as ad-hoc detectives. The shortcomings
of many solutions proposed for this problem prevent their
use in practice.
We propose failure sketching, an automated debugging
technique that provides developers with an explanation
(“failure sketch”) of the root cause of a failure that occurred
in production. A failure sketch only contains program statements
that lead to the failure, and it clearly shows the differences
between failing and successful runs; these differences
guide developers to the root cause. Our approach combines
static program analysis with a cooperative and adaptive form
of dynamic program analysis.
We built Gist, a prototype for failure sketching that relies
on hardware watchpoints and a new hardware feature for extracting
control flow traces (Intel Processor Trace).We show
that Gist can build failure sketches with low overhead for
failures in systems like Apache, SQLite, and Memcached.
Cross-checking Semantic Correctness: The Case of Finding File System Bugs
Today, systems software is too complex to be bug-free. To
find bugs in systems software, developers often rely on code
checkers, like Linux’s Sparse. However, the capability of
existing tools used in commodity, large-scale systems is
limited to finding only
shallow bugs that tend to be introduced
by simple programmer mistakes, and so do not require a
deep understanding of code to find them. Unfortunately, the
majority of bugs as well as those that are difficult to find are
semantic ones, which violate high-level rules or invariants
(e.g., missing a permission check). Thus, it is difficult for
code checkers lacking the understanding of a programmer’s
true intention to reason about semantic correctness.
To solve this problem, we present JUXTA, a tool that automatically
infers high-level semantics directly from source
code. The key idea in JUXTA is to compare and contrast
multiple existing implementations that obey latent yet implicit
high-level semantics. For example, the implementation
of open() at the file system layer expects to handle an out-of-space
error from the disk in all file systems. We applied
JUXTA to 54 file systems in the stock Linux kernel (680K
LoC), found 118 previously unknown semantic bugs (one
bug per 5.8K LoC), and provided corresponding patches to
39 different file systems, including mature, popular ones like
ext4, btrfs, XFS, and NFS. These semantic bugs are not easy
to locate, as all the ones found by JUXTA have existed for
over 6.2 years on average. Not only do our empirical results
look promising, but the design of JUXTA is generic enough
to be extended easily beyond file systems to any software that
has multiple implementations, like Web browsers or protocols
at the same layer of a network stack.
Pivot Tracing: Dynamic Causal Monitoring for Distributed Systems
Monitoring and troubleshooting distributed systems is notoriously
difficult; potential problems are complex, varied, and
unpredictable. The monitoring and diagnosis tools commonly
used today — logs, counters, and metrics — have two important
limitations: what gets recorded is defined a priori, and the
information is recorded in a component- or machine-centric
way, making it extremely hard to correlate events that cross
these boundaries. This paper presents Pivot Tracing, a monitoring
framework for distributed systems that addresses both limitations
by combining dynamic instrumentation with a novel
relational operator: the happened-before join. Pivot Tracing
gives users, at runtime, the ability to define arbitrary metrics
at one point of the system, while being able to select, filter,
and group by events meaningful at other parts of the system,
even when crossing component or machine boundaries. We
have implemented a prototype of Pivot Tracing for Java-based
systems and evaluate it on a heterogeneous Hadoop cluster
comprising HDFS, HBase, MapReduce, and YARN. We show
that Pivot Tracing can effectively identify a diverse range of
root causes such as software bugs, misconfiguration, and limping
hardware. We show that Pivot Tracing is dynamic, extensible,
and enables cross-tier analysis between inter-operating
applications, with low execution overhead.
Wednesday 7th, 9am - 10:30am
Big Data
Interruptible Tasks: Treating Memory Pressure As Interrupts for Highly Scalable Data-Parallel Programs
Real-world data-parallel programs commonly suffer from
memory pressure, especially when they are executed to
process large datasets. Memory problems lead to excessive
GC effort and out-of-memory errors, significantly hurting
system performance and scalability. This paper proposes a
systematic approach that can help data-parallel tasks survive
memory pressure, improving their performance and scalability
without needing any manual effort to tune system parameters.
Our approach advocates
interruptible task (ITask), a
new type of data-parallel tasks that can be interrupted upon
memory pressure—with part or all of their used memory
reclaimed—and resumed when the pressure goes away.
To support ITasks, we propose a novel programming
model and a runtime system, and have instantiated them
on two state-of-the-art platforms Hadoop and Hyracks. A
thorough evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of ITask:
it has helped real-world Hadoop programs survive 13 out-of-memory
problems reported on StackOverflow; a second
set of experiments with 5 already well-tuned programs in
Hyracks on datasets of different sizes shows that the ITaskbased
versions are 1.5–3× faster and scale to 3–24× larger
datasets than their regular counterparts.
Chaos: Scale-out Graph Processing from Secondary Storage
Chaos scales graph processing from secondary storage to
multiple machines in a cluster. Earlier systems that process
graphs from secondary storage are restricted to a single machine,
and therefore limited by the bandwidth and capacity
of the storage system on a single machine. Chaos is limited
only by the aggregate bandwidth and capacity of all storage
devices in the entire cluster.
Chaos builds on the streaming partitions introduced by
X-Stream in order to achieve sequential access to storage,
but parallelizes the execution of streaming partitions. Chaos
is novel in three ways. First, Chaos partitions for sequential
storage access, rather than for locality and load balance, resulting
in much lower pre-processing times. Second, Chaos
distributes graph data uniformly randomly across the cluster
and does not attempt to achieve locality, based on the
observation that in a small cluster network bandwidth far
outstrips storage bandwidth. Third, Chaos uses work stealing
to allow multiple machines to work on a single partition,
thereby achieving load balance at runtime.
In terms of performance scaling, on 32 machines Chaos
takes on average only 1.61 times longer to process a graph 32
times larger than on a single machine. In terms of capacity
scaling, Chaos is capable of handling a graph with 1 trillion
edges representing 16 TB of input data, a new milestone for
graph processing capacity on a small commodity cluster.
Arabesque: A System for Distributed Graph Mining
Distributed data processing platforms such as MapReduce
and Pregel have substantially simplified the design and deployment
of certain classes of distributed graph analytics algorithms.
However, these platforms do not represent a good
match for distributed graph mining problems, as for example
finding frequent subgraphs in a graph. Given an input
graph, these problems require exploring a very large number
of subgraphs and finding patterns that match some
criteria desired by the user. These algorithms are
very important for areas such as social networks, semantic
web, and bioinformatics.
In this paper, we present Arabesque, the first distributed
data processing platform for implementing graph mining
algorithms. Arabesque automates the process of exploring
a very large number of subgraphs. It defines a high-level
filter-process computational model that simplifies the development
of scalable graph mining algorithms: Arabesque explores
subgraphs and passes them to the application, which
must simply compute outputs and decide whether the subgraph
should be further extended. We use Arabesque’s API
to produce distributed solutions to three fundamental graph
mining problems: frequent subgraph mining, counting motifs,
and finding cliques. Our implementations require a
handful of lines of code, scale to trillions of subgraphs, and
represent in some cases the first available distributed solutions.
Wednesday 7th, 11am - 12:30pm
Storage Systems
How to Get More Value From Your File System Directory Cache
Applications frequently request file system operations that
traverse the file system directory tree, such as opening a file
or reading a file’s metadata. As a result, caching file system
directory structure and metadata in memory is an important
performance optimization for an OS kernel.
This paper identifies several design principles that can
substantially improve hit rate and reduce hit cost transparently
to applications and file systems. Specifically, our directory
cache design can look up a directory in a constant
number of hash table operations, separates finding paths from
permission checking, memoizes the results of access control
checks, uses signatures to accelerate lookup, and reduces
miss rates through caching directory completeness.
This design can meet a range of idiosyncratic requirements
imposed by POSIX, Linux Security Modules, namespaces,
and mount aliases. These optimizations are a significant net
improvement for real-world applications, such as improving
the throughput of the Dovecot IMAP server by up to 12% and
the updatedb utility by up to 29%.
Opportunistic Storage Maintenance
Storage systems rely on maintenance tasks, such as backup
and layout optimization, to ensure data availability and good
performance. These tasks access large amounts of data and
can significantly impact foreground applications. We argue
that storage maintenance can be performed more efficiently
by prioritizing processing of data that is currently cached
in memory. Data can be cached either due to other maintenance
tasks requesting it previously, or due to overlapping
foreground I/O activity.
We present Duet, a framework that provides notifications
about page-level events to maintenance tasks, such as a page
being added or modified in memory. Tasks use these events
as hints to opportunistically process cached data. We show
that tasks using Duet can complete maintenance work more
efficiently because they perform fewer I/O operations. The
I/O reduction depends on the amount of data overlap with
other maintenance tasks and foreground applications. Consequently,
Duet’s efficiency increases with additional tasks
because opportunities for synergy appear more often.
Split-Level I/O Scheduling
We introduce split-level I/O scheduling, a new framework
that splits I/O scheduling logic across handlers at
three layers of the storage stack: block, system call, and
page cache. We demonstrate that traditional block-level
I/O schedulers are unable to meet throughput, latency,
and isolation goals. By utilizing the split-level framework,
we build a variety of novel schedulers to readily
achieve these goals: our Actually Fair Queuing scheduler
reduces priority-misallocation by 28×; our Split-
Deadline scheduler reduces tail latencies by 4×; our
Split-Token scheduler reduces sensitivity to interference
by 6×. We show that the framework is general and operates
correctly with disparate file systems (ext4 and XFS).
Finally, we demonstrate that split-level scheduling serves
as a useful foundation for databases (SQLite and PostgreSQL),
hypervisors (QEMU), and distributed file systems
(HDFS), delivering improved isolation and performance
in these important application scenarios.