General Chair:
Ethan L. Miller
Program Chair:
Steven Hand
Monday 5th, 8:30am - 9am
Welcome and Awards
Monday 5th, 9am - 10:30am
Formal Systems
Petros Maniatis
IronFleet: Proving Practical Distributed Systems Correct
Chris Hawblitzel,
Jon Howell,
Manos Kapritsos,
Jacob R. Lorch,
Bryan Parno,
Michael L. Roberts,
Srinath Setty,
Brian Zill
(Microsoft Research)
Using Crash Hoare Logic for Certifying the FSCQ File System
Haogang Chen,
Daniel Ziegler,
Tej Chajed,
Adam Chlipala,
M. Frans Kaashoek,
Nickolai Zeldovich
SibylFS: formal specification and oracle-based testing for POSIX and real-world file systems
Tom Ridge
(University of Leicester),
David Sheets
(University of Cambridge),
Thomas Tuerk
Andrea Giugliano
(University of Leicester),
Anil Madhavapeddy,
Peter Sewell
(University of Cambridge)
Monday 5th, 11am - 12:30pm
Distributed Transactions
Tim Harris
No compromises: distributed transactions with consistency, availability, and performance
Aleksandar Dragojević,
Dushyanth Narayanan,
Edmund B Nightingale,
Matthew Renzelmann,
Alex Shamis,
Anirudh Badam,
Miguel Castro
(Microsoft Research)
Implementing Linearizability at Large Scale and Low Latency
Collin Lee,
Seo Jin Park,
Ankita Kejriwal
(Stanford University),
Satoshi Matsushita
John Ousterhout
(Stanford University)
Fast In-memory Transaction Processing using RDMA and HTM
Xingda Wei,
Jiaxin Shi,
Yanzhe Chen,
Rong Chen,
Haibo Chen
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Monday 5th, 2pm - 3:30pm
Distributed Systems
Marcos Aguilera
Paxos Made Transparent
Heming Cui
(University of Hong Kong and Columbia University),
Rui Gu,
Cheng Liu
(Columbia University),
Tianyu Chen
(Tsinghua University),
Junfeng Yang
(Columbia University)
E2: A Framework for NFV Applications
Shoumik Palkar,
Chang Lan,
Sangjin Han
(UC Berkeley),
Keon Jang
(Intel Labs),
Aurojit Panda,
Sylvia Ratnasamy
(UC Berkeley),
Luigi Rizzo
(Università di Pisa),
Scott Shenker
(UC Berkeley and ICSI)
Vuvuzela: Scalable Private Messaging Resistant to Traffic Analysis
Jelle van den Hooff,
David Lazar,
Matei Zaharia,
Nickolai Zeldovich
Monday 5th, 4pm - 5:30pm
Concurrency and Performance
Emmett Witchel
Parallelizing User-Defined Aggregations using Symbolic Execution
Veselin Raychev
(ETH Zurich),
Madanlal Musuvathi,
Todd Mytkowicz
(Microsoft Research)
Read-Log-Update: A Lightweight Synchronization Mechanism for Concurrent Programming
Alexander Matveev
Nir Shavit
(MIT & Tel-Aviv University),
Pascal Felber,
Patrick Marlier
(University of Neuchâtel)
COZ: Finding Code that Counts with Causal Profiling
Charlie Curtsinger
(Grinnell College),
Emery D. Berger
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Tuesday 6th, 9am - 10:30am
Energy Aware Systems
Landon Cox
JouleGuard: Energy Guarantees for Approximate Applications
Henry Hoffmann
(University of Chicago)
Software Defined Batteries
Anirudh Badam,
Ranveer Chandra,
Jon A. Dutra
Anthony Ferrese
(Tesla Motors),
Steve Hodges
Pan Hu
(University of Massachusetts Amherst),
Julia Meinershagen,
Thomas Moscibroda,
Bodhi Priyantha
Evangelia Skiani
(Columbia Univeristy)
Drowsy Power Management
Matthew Lentz,
James Litton,
Bobby Bhattacharjee
(University of Maryland)
Tuesday 6th, 11am - 12:30pm
More Distributed Transactions
Haibo Chen
Yesquel: Scalable SQL storage for Web applications
Marcos K. Aguilera
(VMware Research Group),
Joshua B. Leners
(UT Austin, NYU),
Michael Walfish
Building Consistent Transactions with Inconsistent Replication
Irene Zhang,
Naveen Kr. Sharma,
Adriana Szekeres,
Arvind Krishnamurthy,
Dan R. K. Ports
(University of Washington)
High-Performance ACID via Modular Concurrency Control
Chao Xie,
Chunzhi Su,
Cody Littley,
Lorenzo Alvisi
(University of Texas at Austin),
Manos Kapritsos
(Microsoft Research),
Yang Wang
(Ohio State University)
Tuesday 6th, 2pm - 3:30pm
Experience and Practice
Shan Lu
Existential Consistency: Measuring and Understanding Consistency at Facebook
Haonan Lu
(University of Southern California and Facebook),
Kaushik Veeraraghavan,
Philippe Ajoux,
Jim Hunt,
Yee Jiun Song,
Wendy Tobagus,
Sanjeev Kumar
Wyatt Lloyd
(University of Southern California and Facebook)
Virtual CPU Validation
Nadav Amit,
Dan Tsafrir,
Assaf Schuster
(Technion — Israel Institute of Technology),
Ahmad Ayoub,
Eran Shlomo
(Intel Corporation)
Holistic Configuration Management at Facebook
Chunqiang Tang,
Thawan Kooburat,
Pradeep Venkatachalam,
Akshay Chander,
Zhe Wen,
Aravind Narayanan,
Patrick Dowell,
Robert Karl
(Facebook Inc.)
Tuesday 6th, 4pm - 5:30pm
Bugs and Analysis
Brad Karp
Failure Sketching: A Technique for Automated Root Cause Diagnosis of In-Production Failures
Baris Kasikci,
Benjamin Schubert
Cristiano Pereira,
Gilles Pokam
(Intel Corporation),
George Candea
Cross-checking Semantic Correctness: The Case of Finding File System Bugs
Changwoo Min,
Sanidhya Kashyap,
Byoungyoung Lee,
Chengyu Song,
Taesoo Kim
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Pivot Tracing: Dynamic Causal Monitoring for Distributed Systems
Jonathan Mace,
Ryan Roelke,
Rodrigo Fonseca
(Brown University)
Wednesday 7th, 9am - 10:30am
Big Data
Terence Kelly
Interruptible Tasks: Treating Memory Pressure As Interrupts for Highly Scalable Data-Parallel Programs
Lu Fang,
Khanh Nguyen,
Guoqing Xu,
Brian Demsky
(University of California, Irvine),
Shan Lu
(University of Chicago)
Chaos: Scale-out Graph Processing from Secondary Storage
Amitabha Roy
Laurent Bindschaedler,
Jasmina Malicevic,
Willy Zwaenepoel
Arabesque: A System for Distributed Graph Mining
Carlos H. C. Teixeira,
Alexandre J. Fonseca,
Marco Serafini,
Georgos Siganos,
Mohammed J. Zaki,
Ashraf Aboulnaga
(Qatar Computing Research Institute)
Wednesday 7th, 11am - 12:30pm
Storage Systems
Andrew Baumann
How to Get More Value From Your File System Directory Cache
Chia-Che Tsai,
Yang Zhan,
Jayashree Reddy,
Yizheng Jiao,
Tao Zhang,
Donald E. Porter
(Stony Brook University)
Opportunistic Storage Maintenance
George Amvrosiadis,
Angela Demke Brown,
Ashvin Goel
(University of Toronto)
Split-Level I/O Scheduling
Suli Yang,
Tyler Harter,
Nishant Agrawal,
Salini Selvaraj Kowsalya,
Anand Krishnamurthy,
Samer Al-Kiswany
(University of Wisconsin-Madison),
Rini T. Kaushik
(IBM Research - Almaden),
Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau,
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)