TRIOS: Conference on Timely Results in Operating Systems

The Conference on Timely Results in Operating Systems (TRIOS) is an experimental conference that is being held in conjunction with the SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP). Like SOSP, TRIOS solicits papers presenting original research results on all aspects of computer systems software. The SOSP conference has an outstanding reputation based, in part, on its low acceptance rate. Many good systems papers are rejected and their publication delayed by months or sometimes years. TRIOS was created as an outlet for such papers to be published in a more timely manner, thereby benefitting the authors and the operating systems community.

Checkout the program.

Checkout the CFP.

Contact Information

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Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: April 26, 2013
Submission deadline (SOSP Transfers): July 8, 2013
Acceptance notification: August 1, 2013
Camera-ready deadline: August 30, 2013
Conference: November 3, 2013

Accepted Papers

Hosting Dynamic Data in the Cloud with Isis2 and the Ida DHT
Ken Birman, Heesung Sohn (Cornell University)
inTune: Coordinating Multicore Islands to Achieve Global Policy Objectives
Priyanka Tembey, Ada Gavrilovska, Karsten Schwan (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Scalable Coordination of a Tightly-Coupled Service in the Wide Area
Kevin C. Webb (UC San Diego), Bhanu Vattikonda (UC San Diego), Kenneth Yocum (Illumina/UC San Diego), Alex C. Snoeren (UC San Diego)
MUTT: A Watchdog for OSN Applications
Amre Shakimov, Landon P. Cox (Duke University)
Consistent, Durable, and Safe Memory Management for Byte-addressable Non Volatile Main Memory
Iulian Moraru (Carnegie Mellon University), David G. Andersen (Carnegie Mellon University), Michael Kaminsky (Intel Labs), Niraj Tolia (Maginatics), Nathan Binkert (Amiato), Parthasarathy Ranganathan (HP Labs)
SETSUDO: Perturbation-based Testing Framework for Scalable Distributed Systems
Pallavi Joshi, Malay Ganai, Gogul Balakrishnan, Aarti Gupta, Nadia Papakonstantinou (NEC Labs America)
XGraph: Simple and Fast Distributed Graph Analytics
Imranul Hoque, Indranil Gupta (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Transparently Isolating Driver from Kernel with VMM Intervening in Virtualization Environment
Zheng Hao (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Dong Xiaoshe (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Wang Endong (Inspur(Beijing) Electronic Information Industry Co. Ltd), Chen Baoke (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Wang Qiang (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Zhang Xingjun (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Zhang Dong (Inspur(Beijing) Electronic Information Industry Co. Ltd)
Impact of DVFS on n-Tier Application Performance
Qingyang Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology), Yasuhiko Kanemasa (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.), Jack Li (Georgia Institute of Technology), Chien An Lai (Georgia Institute of Technology), Masazumi Matsubara (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.), Calton Pu (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Better Flash Access via Shape-shifting Virtual Memory Pages
Anirudh Badam (Microsoft Research), Vivek S. Pai (Princeton University), David W. Nellans (Nvidia Research)

Unique Characteristics

  • The conference will be held on the Sunday before SOSP along with the workshops
  • It will accept any submission that meets a moderate standard for acceptability: deals with operating system issues (as broadly defined by the SOSP Call for Papers), presents a novel result, uses sound methodology, provides some evidence of practicality, is readable, and fairly presents related work
  • There is no hard limit on the number of accepted papers.
  • Both full-length and short submissions are welcome; the length of a paper should be commensurate with its contribution. Other lengths and formats, if appropriate, may also be considered.
  • Each paper with be presented by one of the authors; to accommodate all of the accepted papers in a one-day event, the conference may use short presentations or parallel sessions or both.
  • Papers can be submitted directly to the TRIOS conference.
  • Papers that are submitted to SOSP and rejected will, if desired by the authors, be considered for publication in TRIOS; these papers will not be re-reviewed (though in some cases additional reviews may be desired) but rather the TRIOS PC will select papers based on the SOSP reviews. Authors will have the opportunity to provide a rebuttal to their reviews.

Workshop Organizers

Program Chair

  • Doug Terry, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley

Program Committee

  • Andrew Baumann, Microsoft Research Redmond
  • Tim Brecht, University of Waterloo
  • Brad Chen, Google
  • Allen Clement, MPI-SWS
  • Dilma Da Silva, Qualcomm Research
  • Eric Eide, University of Utah
  • Rodrigo Fonseca, Brown University
  • Steve Gribble, University of Washington
  • Gernot Heiser, NICTA and University of New South Wales
  • Michael Isard, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
  • Kimberly Keeton, HP Labs
  • Brian Noble, University of Michigan
  • Nuno Preguiça, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Liuba Shrira, Brandeis University
  • Mike Spreitzer, IBM Research
  • Dan Tsafrir, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
  • Benjamin Wester, Facebook
  • Zheng Zhang, Microsoft Research China

  • Platinum Sponsors

    • The Murty
      Family Foundation
  • Gold Sponsors

    • Apple
  • Silver Sponsors

  • Bronze Sponsors