LADIS '13: 7th Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware

The Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS) brings together researchers and practitioners to share the challenges of building massive distributed computing systems and clouds. By raising research questions in the context of the largest and most-demanding real-world systems, LADIS serves to catalyze a dialog between cloud computing engineers and researchers in scalable distributed systems, to open the veil of secrecy that has surrounded many cloud computing architectures, and to increase the potential impact of the best research underway in the theory and practice of large-scale distributed systems. LADIS 2013 will be co-located with SOSP 2013 and be held on Nov. 2nd (afternoon) and Nov. 3rd, 2013.

Checkout the CFP and website.

Contact Information

Please contact with any questions.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: July 15, 2013
Acceptance notification: August 15, 2013
Camera Ready: September 30, 2013
Workshop: November 2-3, 2013

Suggested Paper Topics

  • Consistency, reliability and fault-tolerance models for cloud computing infrastructures and the technologies to support them, including eventual/convergent consistency, transactions and state-machine replication.
  • Novel storage organizations for large-scale systems (e.g., NoSQL databases or key-value storage), snapshot and weak isolation models, scalable and elastic transaction approaches (e.g. mini-transactions), wide-area transactions.
  • Large-scale infrastructure technologies, such as massive file system and database designs, locking and synchronization services, group membership and communication services, distributed registries, peer-to-peer, autonomic and self-* systems, etc.
  • Support and programming models for scalable cloud-hosted applications and services, such as map-reduce, global file systems, pub-sub, multicast and group communication.
  • Novel architectures, paradigms, and application frameworks for parallel data processing, large-scale analytics, and Big Data.
  • Power and other resource management tools, such as virtualization and consolidation, resource allocation, load balancing, resource placement, routing and scheduling.
  • Privacy tools and models, including digital identity management, encrypting private data in the cloud and information flow in data centers.

Workshop Organizers

General Chairs

  • Gregory Chockler, University of London
  • Ymir Vigfusson, Reykjavik University

Program Chairs

  • Lorenzo Alvisi, University of Texas
  • Lidong Zhou, Microsoft Research Asia

Program Committee

  • Steven Hand, University of Cambridge
  • Allen Clement, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
  • Rama Kotla, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
  • Jinyang Li, New York University
  • George Porter, University of California, San Diego
  • Rodrigo Rodrigues, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Jay Wylie, LinkedIn
  • Matei Zaharia, University of California, Berkeley

  • Platinum Sponsors

    • The Murty
      Family Foundation
  • Gold Sponsors

    • Apple
  • Silver Sponsors

  • Bronze Sponsors