

SOSP History Day
Fifty Years of Operating Systems
Overview of the Day
The Founding of the SOSP Conferences
9am - 10:30am
Perspectives on OS Foundations
My question is: how and when did the key OS principles emerge? Timelines of the evolution of operating systems follow available technologies and respond to market concerns. There were four stages from the 1950s to present: batch, interactive, distributed network, and cloud-mobile. The SOSP symposia, founded to focus on developing and validating OS principles, have involved thousands of researchers over the past fifty years. OS research has contributed a dozen great principles to all of computer science, including as processes, locality, interactive computing, concurrency control, location independent naming, and virtualization. I will look more closely at the research around two principles I was involved with: locality and location independent naming. Virtual memory -- a new, alluring, but controversial technology in the 1960s -- motivated both areas. The early concerns were whether the automation of paging would perform well, and whether name-to-location mappings could be done with no significant performance degradation. Performance was a major concern for virtual memory because the speed gap between a main memory access and a disk address was 10,000 or more; even a few page faults hurt performance. (The gap is worse today.) We hypothesized that paging would perform well if memory managers could guarantee that each process’s working set is in memory. We justified this from intuitions about locality, which predicts that the working set is the maximum likelihood predictor of the process’s memory demand in the immediate future. These ideas were extensively validated through years of study of paging algorithms, multiprogramming, and thrashing, leading to control systems that measured working sets, avoided thrashing, and optimized system throughput. Locality is harnessed today in all levels of systems, including the many layers of cache built into chips and memory control systems, the platforms for powering cloud computing, and in the Internet itself to cache pages near their frequent users and avoid bottlenecks at popular servers. Location independent naming is the other principle that permeated all generations of virtual memory over the years. This principle gave us hierarchical systems to generate names and very fast mappings from names to the physical locations of objects. This principle was present in the original virtual memory, which had a contiguous address space made of pages, and is present in today's Internet, which provides a huge address space made of URLs, DOIs, and capabilities.
Perspectives on Protection and Security
Perspectives on System Languages and Abstraction
11am - 12:00pm
Evolution of File and Memory Management
Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Satya) presented his thoughts on "The Evolution of Memory and File Systems". He observed that over a 60-year period, there have been four drivers of progress: the quests for scale, performance, transparency, and robustness. At the dawn of computing, the quest for scale was dominant. Easing the memory limitations of early computers was crucial to the growth of computing and the creation of new applications, because memory was so scarce and so expensive. That quest has been phenomenally successful. On a cost per bit basis, volatile and persistent memory technologies have improved by nearly 13 orders of magnitude. The quest for performance has been dominated by the growing gap between processor performance and memory performance. This gap has been most apparent since the use of DRAM technology by the early 1980s, but it was already a serious issue 20 years before that in the era of core memory. Over time, memory hierarchies of increasing depth have improved average case performance by exploiting temporal and spatial locality. These have been crucial in overcoming the processor-memory performance gap, with clever prefetching and write-back techniques also playing important roles.

For the first decade or so, the price of improving scale and performance was the need to rewrite software as computers were replaced by new ones. By the early 1960s, this cost was becoming significant. Over time, as people costs have increased relative to hardware costs, disruptive software changes have become unacceptable. This has led to the quest for transparency. In its System/360, IBM pioneered the concept of an invariant architecture with multiple implementations at different price/performance points. The principle of transparent management of data across levels of a memory hierarchy, which we broadly term "caching", was pioneered at the software level by the Atlas computer in the early 1960s. At the hardware level, it was demonstrated first in the IBM System 360 Model 85 in 1968. Since then, caching has been applied at virtually every system level and is today perhaps the most ubiquitous and powerful systems technique for achieving scale, performance and transparency.

By the late 1960s, as computers began to used in mission-critical contexts, the negative impact of hardware and software failures escalated. This led to he emergence of techniques to improve robustness even at the possible cost of performance or storage efficiency. The concept of separate address spaces emerged partly because it isolated the consequences of buggy software. Improved resilience to buggy sofware has also been one of the reasons that memory and file systems have remained distinct, even though systems based on the single-level storage concept have been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. In addition, to cope with hardware, software and networking failures, technqiues such as RAID, software replication, and disconnected operation emerged. The quest for robustness continues to rise in importance as the cost of failures increases relative to memory and storage costs.

In closing, Satya commented on recent predictions that the classic hierarchical file system will soon be extinct. He observed that such predictions are not new. Classic file systems may be overlaid by non-hierarchical interfaces that uses different abstractions (such as the Android interface for Java applications). However, they will continue to be important for unstructured data that must be preserved for very long periods of time. Satya observed that the deep reasons for the longevity of the hierarchical file system model were articulated in broad terms by Herb Simon in his 1962 work, "The Architecture of Complexity". Essentially, hierarchy arises due to the cognitive limitations of the human mind. File system implementations have evolved to be a good fit for these cognitive limitations. They are likely to be with us for a very long time.

Reflections on the History of Operating Systems Research in Fault Tolerance
Ken Birman's talk focused on controversies surrounding fault-tolerance and consistency. Looking at the 1990's, he pointed to debate around the so-called CATOCS question (CATOCS refers to causally and totally ordered communication primitives) and drew a parallel to the more modern debate about consistency at cloud scale (often referred to as the CAP conjecture). Ken argued that the underlying tension is actually one that opposes basic principles of the field against the seemingly unavoidable complexity of mechanisms strong enough to solve consensus, particularly the family of protocols with Paxos-like structures. Over time, this was resolved: He concluded that today, we finally know how to build very fast and scalable solutions (those who attended SOSP 2015 itself saw ten or more of the paper on such topics). On the other hand, Ken sees a new generation of challenges on the horizon: cloud-scale applications that will need a novel mix of scalable consistency and real-time guarantees, will need to leverage new new hardware options (RDMA, NVRAM and other "middle memory" options), and may need to be restructured to reflect a control-plane/data-plane split. These trends invite a new look at what has become a core topic for the SOSP community.
1pm - 2:30pm
Past and Future of Hardware and Architecture
We start by looking back at 50 years of computer architecture, where philosophical debates on instruction sets (RISC vs. CISC, VLIW vs. RISC) and parallel architectures (NUMA vs clusters) were settled with billion dollar investments on both sides. In the second half, we look forward. First, Moore’s Law is ending, so the free ride is over software-oblivious increasing performance. Since we’ve already played the multicore card, the most-likely/only path left is domain-specific processors. The memory system is radically changing too. First, Jim Gray’s decade-old prediction is finally true: “Tape is dead; flash is disk; disk is tape.” New ways to connect to DRAM and new non-volatile memory technologies promise to make the memory hierarchy even deeper. Finally, and surprisingly, there is now widespread agreement on instruction set architecture, namely Reduced Instruction Set Computers. However, unlike most other fields, despite this harmony has been no open alternative to proprietary offerings from ARM and Intel. RISC-V (“RISC Five”) is the proposed free and open champion. It has a small base of classic RISC instructions that run a full open-source software stack; opcodes reserved for tailoring an System-On-a-Chip (SOC) to applications; standard instruction extensions optionally included in an SoC; and it is unrestricted: there is no cost, no paperwork, and anyone can use it. The ability to prototype using ever-more-powerful FPGAs and astonishingly inexpensive custom chips combined with collaboration on open-source software and hardware offers hope of a new golden era for hardware/software systems.
Parallel Computing and the OS
Frans Kaashoek's talk divided research on parallelism in operating systems in 4 periods. Around the first SOSP, the OS community introduced foundational ideas for parallel programming, covering three types of parallelism in operating systems: user-generated parallelism, I/O parallelism, and processor parallelism. With the advent of distributed computing, the OS community focused its attention to make it easy for server programmers to exploit parallelism, in particular I/O parallelism. With the arrival of commodity small-scale multiprocessors, the OS community "rediscovered" the importance of processor parallelism and contributed techniques to scale operating systems to large number of processors. These techniques found their way in today's main-stream operating systems because today's processors contain by default several cores. Because software must be parallel to exploit multicore processors, the OS community is going through a "rebirth" of research in parallel computing.
3:00pm - 4pm
The Network and the OS
The Rise of Cloud Computing Systems
In this talk I will describe the development of systems that underlie modern cloud computing systems. This development shares much of its motivation with the related fields of transaction processing systems and high performance computing, but because of scale, these systems tend to have more emphasis on fault tolerance using software techniques. Important developments in the development of modern cloud systems include very high performance distributed file system, such as the Google File System (Ghemawat et al., SOSP 2003), reliable computational frameworks such as MapReduce (Dean & Ghemawat, OSDI 2004) and Dryad (Isard et al., 2007), and large scale structured storage systems such as BigTable (Chang et al. 2006), Dynamo (DeCandia et al., 2007), and Spanner (Corbett et al., 2012). Scheduling computations can either be done using virtual machines (exemplified by VMWare's products), or as individual processes or containers. The development of public cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, allow external developers to utilize these large-scale services to build new and interesting services and products, benefiting from the economies of scale of large datacenters and the ability to grow and shrink computing resources on demand across millions of customers.
4pm - 5pm: Panel session
Is achieving security a hopeless quest?
Mark Miller:

In the 1970s, there were two main access control models: the identity-centric model of access-control lists and the authorization-centric model of capabilities. For various reasons the world went down the identity-centric path, resulting in the situation we are now in. On the identity-centric path, why is security likely a hopeless quest?

When we build systems, we compose software written by different people. These composed components may cooperate as we intend, or they may destructively interfere. We have gotten very good at avoiding accidental interference by using abstraction mechanisms and designing good abstraction boundaries. By composition, we have delivered astonishing functionality to the world.

Today, when we secure systems, we assign authority to identities. When I run a program, it runs as me. The square root function in my math library can delete my files. Although it does not abuse this excess authority, if it has a flaw enabling an attacker to subvert it, then anything it may do, the attacker can do. It is this excess authority that invites most of the attacks we see in the world today.

By contrast, when we secure systems with capabilities, we work with the grain of how we organize software for functionality. At every level of composition, from programming language to operating systems to distributed services, we design abstraction boundaries so that a component¹s interface only requires arguments that are somehow relevant to its task. If such argument passing were the only source of authority, we would have already taken a huge step towards least authority. If most programs only ran with the least authority they need to do their jobs, most abuses would be minor.

I do not imagine a world with fewer exploitable bugs. I imagine a world in which much less is at risk to most bugs.

Reminiscences on SOSP History Day