Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are central goals of the ACM, and
all of their conferences.
Diversity goals aim to promote and develop
a research community and conference attendance that reflects the
diversity of society.
Equity at its heart is about removing
barriers, biases, and obstacles that impede equal access and
opportunity to succeed.
Inclusion is about creating a conference
program and environment that is free from discrimination, and where
every participant feels welcome, included, respected, and safe.
In order to promote the above goals regarding diversity, equity, and
inclusion, the HotOS 2025 conference commits to the following:
Program Committee diversity: The technical program committee
will be diverse with respect to gender, home institutions,
junior and senior researchers, geography, as well as a mix of
people from industry and academia.
Unbiased review process: Double-blind reviewing is used in our
review process as a means to mitigate subconscious biases
against national origin, gender, sexual orientation, and race.
Student travel awards: In addition to merit and need, decisions
about student travel awards will consider diversity with respect
to gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, physical
ability, age, geography, and research area.
Policies: The conference will follow all of ACM's existing
policies and practices (e.g., professional conduct, privacy,
non-harassment, diversity, equity, and inclusion). All attendees will
be made aware of such policies via the conference Web site, and
acknowledge these policies within the conference registration system.
Data collection: HotOS 2025 will follow ACM's best practices for
collecting demographic data within the conference registration
system. Such data will be shared with ACM to assess the success
of DEI initiatives at current and future HotOS conferences.
All such data collection and use will follow ACM's Privacy Policy
which complies with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.
Code of Conduct: ACM and SIGOPS are dedicated to providing a harassment-free
conference experience, as a result HotOS implements and adheres to the
ACM Code of Conduct
The conference also adheres to the ACM Diversity, Equity and Inclusion statement.
** Portions of this plan have been adapted from SOSP19 diversity plan.