Child-Care Travel Support Program

Would you like to attend a SIGOPS-sponsored event, but cannot because the cost of child-care is prohibitive? SIGOPS provides funds for a limited number of grants that support child care for members that would like to participate in a SIGOPS-sponsored event but are unable to do so without this support. SIGOPS provides financial assistance to subsidize a variety of child-care options, including:

  • On-site child care at conferences arranged by the parent, including placing kids in a shared care facility or paying for babysitting expenses
  • Travel costs for a companion who provides child care, specifically for non-shared transportation costs such as airfare.
  • Travel costs for children between the ages of two and sixteen.

Because grant funds are limited, the support provided might be lower than the amount requested. The actual amount will be decided by the grant administrator based on a variety of factors including (but not limited to) the available budget, parental responsibility, and the number of applications. For more information about this program or to apply for support, please send e-mail to our contact person (or conference chair) at least a week before the event. Your email should include:

  • A statement that you are a member of SIGOPS (include your ACM membership number), attesting that the costs you are requesting reimbursement for arise from the need to travel to participate in the conference.
  • A resume.
  • A budget that includes details on the specifics of the kind of support requested.
  • A brief description of how you are participating in the conference or workshop. Examples might include presenting a paper, participating in the program or organizing committee, etc. We do not foresee supporting travel for the purpose of attending only.

If multiple parents are attending the same event, please indicate this in your email. Only one parent should request support in this case.