Tianyin Xu, Akshitha Sriraman, Baris Kasikci, and Dong Du


Thinking outside the box: My PhD Odyssey From Single-Server Architecture to Distributed Datastores (Part 2)

Editor’s notes: We invite SIGOPS award winners to write about backstories behind the award-winning work. In this article, Antonis Katsarakis shares the journey of his PhD dissertation–“Invalidation-Based Protocols for Replicated Datastores”–which received the Honorable Mention of the 2023 Roger Needham PhD Award. Antonis is now a Principal Researcher at Huawei Research. He received his PhD from the

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Thinking outside the box: My PhD Odyssey From Single-Server Architecture to Distributed Datastores (Part 1)

Editor’s notes: We invite SIGOPS award winners to write about backstories behind the award-winning work. In this article, Antonis Katsarakis shares the journey of his PhD dissertation–“Invalidation-Based Protocols for Replicated Datastores”–which received the Honorable Mention of the 2023 Roger Needham PhD Award. Antonis is now a Principal Researcher at Huawei Research. He received his PhD from the

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Lessons Learned from Chairing the Artifact Evaluation at SOSP 2023

In early 2023, we received an invitation from the SOSP PC chairs to serve as Artifact Evaluation Co-chairs for SOSP 2023. This was an incredibly exciting opportunity for all of us. As junior members in the systems community, being able to take on a leadership role at our flagship conference is an honor and a

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Revisiting Distributed Memory in the CXL Era

Message Passing V.S Distributed Shared Memory As Moore’s Law slows down, horizontal scaling has become the predominant strategy for enhancing system performance. Nonetheless, the inherent complexities of distributed programming present substantial challenges in creating efficient, correct, and resilient systems. Streamlining this process remains a fundamental objective of distributed programming frameworks. In the realm of distributed

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Perspect — Exploiting essential characteristics of performance issues for automatic performance diagnosis 

Editor’s Note: Perspect is an innovative performance debugging tool developed by Jenny Ren and the team. It introduces a novel concept known as Relational Debugging. The key idea of relational debugging is to analyze the “relation” between runtime events and use relations to explain performance issues. In her OSDI’23 paper, Jenny makes the analogy between

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