
A Chronological History of SIGOPS: its Officers, Conferences, and Awards


  • Special Interest Committee on Time-Sharing (SICTIME) founded by Henriette Avram.
  • Arthur M. Rosenberg, Scientific Data Systems, becomes first SIGTIME (i.e. later SIGOPS) Chairman


  • First Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 1-4, 1967 in Gatlinburg, TN at the Mountain View Hotel.
  • Maurice V. Wilkes receives ACM Turing Award


  • Peter J. Denning, Princeton University, appointed Editor of quarterly SIGTIME newsletter.
  • SIGTIME becomes SIGOPS, the ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems, after ACM approval at the Fall Joint Computer Conference.


  • SIGOPS starts the year with about 400 members and reaches nearly 1000 members by year’s end.
  • Peter J. Denning appointed Vice-Chairman of SIGOPS.
  • New SIGOPS officers are appointed on July 1 for a two-year period:
    Chairman:  Peter J. Denning, Princeton University
    Vice Chairman:  William Konigsford, Virtual Time Sharing, Inc.
    Secretary-Treasurer:  Marc A. Auslander, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
    Newsletter Editor:  Michael M. Gold, University of Pittsburg
  • SIGTIME Bulletin becomes SIGOPS Bulletin effective February 1969; newsletter changed from SIGOPS Bulletin to Operating Systems Review, effective with the November issue (volume 3, no. 4).
  • Workshop on Systems Reliability and Recovery held July 14-15 in Pacific Palisades, CA.  Chair: Algirdis Avizieznis, UCLA.
  • Second Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 20-22 at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
    General chair: Peter Denning, Princeton University.
    Program chairs: Edward G. Coffman and Stanley M. Altman, Princeton University.


  • Ted J. Jardine, Computer Sciences Corp, takes over as newsletter Editor.
  • Marc Auslander, IBM Research, takes over as Chairman for Peter Denning (who is promoted to ACM SIG/SIC Chairman).
  • J. Richard Swenson, University of Toronto, takes over as OSR Editor.
  • SIGOPS ends the year with over 1,800 members, second in size only to SIGPLAN.


  • Edsger W. Dijkstra receives ACM Turing Award
  • SIGOPS sponsored Workshop on System Performance Evaluation held at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, April 5-7.
    Program Coordinator: Robert P. Goldberg, MIT.
    Co-Chairman: Robert M. Graham, U. C. Berkeley, and Ugo Gagliardi, Harvard University.
  • Third Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 18-20 at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.
    General Chair: Edward J. McCluskey, Stanford University.
    Program Chairs: Thomas Bredt, Stanford University, and Butler Lampson, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.


  • New SIGOPS officers appointed:
    Chairman:  R. Stockton Gaines, Institute for Defense Analyses
    Vice Chairman:  Butler Lampson, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
    Secretary-Treasurer:  Marc Auslander, IBM Research Center
    Newsletter Editor: William M. Waite, University of Colorado


  • Workshop on Virtual Computer Systems held at Harvard University, March 26-27.
    Chair: Barbara Solomon, Honeywell Information Systems
  • SIGPLAN/SIGOPS Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems held in Savannah, Georgia, on April 9-12.
    Chair: Robert M. Graham, The City College
  • Fourth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 15-17 in Yorktown Heights, New York.
    General Chairs: Herbert Schorr and Alan Perlis
    Program Chairs: Peter Weiner, Yale University, and Don Frazer, IBM Research


  • William C. Lynch, Case Western Reserve University, takes over as Secretary-Treasurer.


  • J. C. Browne, University of Texas, takes over as Chairman.
  • SIGCOMM/SIGOPS Workshop on Interprocess Communications held in March in Santa Monica, CA.
    Chairs:  Wesley W. Chu, Vinton Cerf, T. C. Chen, R. Stockton Gains, and Butler Lampson
  • Fifth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held November 19-21 in Austin, Texas.
    General Chair:  J. C. Browne, University of Texas
    Program Chairs:  J. C. Browne, University of Texas, and Juan Rodrigues-Rosell, IBM Research



  • New officers appointed:
    Chairman:  Robert S. Fabry, University of California, Berkeley
    Vice Chairman:  Peter R. Christy, Digital Equipment Corporation
    Secretary-Treasurer:  Dorothy Denning, Purdue University
    William Waite remains the newsletter editor.
  • ACM Conference on Language Design for Reliable Software held in April.
  • Sixth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held November 16-18 at Purdue University.
    General Chair:  Saul Rosen
    Program Chair:  Peter J. Denning


  • As of March 31, SIGOPS continues to be the second largest SIG (behind SIGPLAN) with 6326 members.
    SIGOPS dues are increased from $3 to $5 per year.
  • The ACM Council decrees that all SIG officers should be elected for two-year terms beginning July 1 of odd numbered years.  SIGOPS establishes a nominating committee in preparation for its first election and adopts new bylaws.


  • Seventh Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held on December 10-12 at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA.
    General Chair:  Michael D. Schroeder, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
    Program Chair:  Anita K. Jones, Carnegie Mellon University
  • SIGOPS-SIGSOFT Anecdotal History of Computer Systems held in conjunction with SOSP.
    Chair:  Peter G. Neumann, SRI International


  • New officers are elected, rather than appointed, after the elections are delayed by a year:
    Chairman:  Dorothy E. Denning, Purdue University
    Vice Chairman:  David Redell, Xerox
    Secretary-Treasurer:  Gregory Andrews, University of Arizona
    Membership surpasses 7,000.
    Dues increased from $5 to $8 per year.
  • SIGOPS and SIGPLAN Workshop on Fundamental Issues of Distributed Computing held December 15-17 in Fallbrook, CA.
    Chair:  Barbara Liskov, MIT


  • Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) proposed, rather than Transactions on Operating Systems (TOPS), and approved by ACM Publications Planning Committee.
  • Eighth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held December 13-16 at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA.
    General Chair:  John Howard, IBM San Jose
    Program Chair:  David P. Reed, MIT


  • SIGARCH, SIGOPS, and SIGPLAN Symposium on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held March 1-3 in Palo Alto, CA.
    General Chair:  Lloyd Dickman, Digital Equipment Corporation
    Program Chair:  David R. Ditzel, Bell Laboratories
  • SIGCOMM, SIGMETRICS, and SIGOPS Symposium on Computer Network Performance held April 13-14 in College Park, MD.
    General Chair:  David Wood, MITRE
    Program Chairs:  Ashok Agrawala, University of Maryland, and David Ault, MITRE
  • SIGACT and SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 18-20 in Ottawa, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  Robert Probert, University of Ottawa
    Program Chair:  Michael Fisher, Yale University


  • New officers are elected:
    Chairman:  Alan Jay Smith, University of California, Berkeley
    Vice Chairman:  Liba Svobodova, IBM Research
    Secretary-Treasurer:  Kevin Kahn, Intel
  • Dennis M. Ritchie and Kenneth L. Thompson receive ACM Turing Award
  • First issue of Transactions on Computer Systems is published with Anita K. Jones as Editor-in-Chief
  • Second Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 17-19 in Montreal, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  Robert Probert, University of Ottawa
    Program Chair:  Nancy Lynch, MIT
  • Ninth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 10-13 in Bretton Woods, NH.
    General Chair:  Jerry Saltzer, MIT
    Program Chairs:  Roy Levin, Xerox PARC, and David Redell, Xerox


  • Third Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 27-29 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  Tiko Kameda, Simon Fraser University
    Program Chair:  Jayadev Misra, University of Texas


  • New officers elected (or re-elected):
    Chairman:  Alan Jay Smith, University of California, Berkeley
    Vice Chairman:  Liba Svobodova, IBM Zurich Research
    Secretary-Treasurer:  Sten Andler, IBM San Jose Research
  • Workshop on Operating Systems in Computer Networks held January 28-30 in Ruschlikon, Switzerland.
    Chair:  Liba Svodobova, IBM Research
  • Fourth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 5-7 in Minaki, Ontario, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  Mike Malcom, University of Waterloo
    Program Chair:  Ray Strong, IBM San Jose
  • Tenth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held December 1-4 at Rosario Resort, Orcas Island, Washington.
    General Chair:  Forest Baskett, Digital Equipment Corporation
    Program Chairs:  Andrew Birrell, DEC, and David Cheriton, Stanford University
  • Workshop on Accommodating Heterogeneity held December 4-6 in conjunction with SOSP.
    Chair:  Ed Lazowska, University of Washington


  • William N. Joy receives ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
  • Fifth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 11-13 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  Ernest Chang, Alberta Research Council
    Program Chair:  Joseph Halpern, IBM Almaden
  • Second European Workshop on “Making Distributed Systems Work” held September 8-10 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    Chair:  Sape Mullender, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)


  • New officers elected:
    Chairman:  Roy Levin, DEC SRC
    Vice Chairman:  Sape Mullender, CWI
    Secretary-Treasurer:   Hank Levy, University of Washington
    Membership dues were raised from $8 to $10 per year.
  • John K. Ousterhout receives ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
  • Sixth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 10-12 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  David Kirkpatrick, University of British Columbia
    Program Chair:  Fred B. Schneider, Cornell University
  • Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held October 5-8 in Palo Alto, CA.
    General Chair:  Martin Freeman, Stanford University
    Program Chair:  Randy H. Katz, University of California, Berkeley
  • Eleventh Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held November 9-11 in Austin, TX.
    General Chair:  Les Belady, MCC Corporation
    Program Chair:  Alfred Spector, Carnegie Mellon University


  • SIGOPS and SIGPLAN Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging held May 5-6 at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
    Chair:  Bart Miller, University of Wisconsin
  • Seventh Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 15-17 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  Eshrat Arjomandi, York University
    Program Chair:  Danny Dolev, IBM Almaden Research
  • Third European Workshop on “Autonomy or Interdependence in Distributed Systems” held September 19-21 in Cambridge, England.
    Chair:  Roger Needham, Cambridge University


  • Peter J. Denning receives ACM Distinguished Service Award
  • Third International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held April 3-6 in Boston, MA.
    General Chair:   Joel Elmer, DEC
    Program Chair:   John Hennessy, Stanford University
  • Eighth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 14-16 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  Piotr Rudnicki, University of Alberta
    Program Chair:  Michael Merritt, AT&T Bell Labs
  • Twelfth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held December 3-6 at The Wigwam in Litchfield Park, AZ.
    General Chair:  Greg Andrews, University of Arizona
    Program Chair:  John Ousterhout, University of California, Berkeley


  • Ninth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 22-24 in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  Gregor v. Bockmann, Universite de Montreal
    Program Chair:  Cynthia Dwork, MIT
  • Fourth European Workshop on “Fault Tolerance Support in Distributed Systems” held September 3-5 in Bologna, Italy.
    Chair:  Ozalp Babaoglu, University of Bologna
  • SIGOPS continues to have over 7000 members.


  • New officers elected:
    Chairman:  Henry M. Levy, University of Washington
    Vice Chairman:  Sape J. Mullender, University of Twente
    Secretary-Treasurer:   Anita Borg, DEC/WRL
  • Membership dues raised from $10 to $15 per year to more accurately reflect the actual cost of printing and shipping conference proceedings to members.
  • Fourth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held April 8-11 in Palo Alto, CA.
    General Chair:   Bob Rau, HP Labs
    Program Chair:   Dave Patterson, University of California, Berkeley
  • SIGPLAN and SIGOPS Second Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging held May 20-21 in Santa Cruz, CA.
    Chairs:  Charlie McDowell, U. C. Santa Cruz, and Bart Miller, University of Wisconsin
  • Tenth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 19-21 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  Luigi Logrippo, University of Ottawa
    Program Chair:  Richard Ladner, University of Washington
  • Thirteenth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 13-16 at Asilomar in Pacific Grove, CA.
    General Chair:  Jim Mitchell, Sun
    Program Chair:  Ed Lazowska, University of Washington


  • Butler W. Lampson receives ACM Turing Award
  • Eleventh Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 10-12 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  Norm Hutchinson, University of British Columbia
    Program Chair:  Maurice Herlihy, DEC Cambridge Research
  • Fifth European Workshop on “Models and Paradigms for Distributed Systems Structuring” held September 21-23 in Le Mont Saint-Michel, France.
    Chairs:  Jean-Pierre Banatre, IRISA-INRIA, and Sacha Krakowiak, IMAG
  • Fifth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held October 12-15 in Boston, MA.
    General Chair:   Barry Flahive, HP
    Program Chair:   Hank Levy, University of Washington


  • Carla Ellis, Duke University, is appointed Secretary-Treasurer (replacing Anita Borg).  Other officers agree to stay for another two-year term.
  • Third Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging held May 17-18 in San Diego, CA.
    Chairs:  Charlie McDowell, U. C. Santa Cruz, and Bart Miller, University of Wisconsin
  • Twelfth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) held August 15-18 in Ithaca, NY.
    Conference Chair:  James Anderson, University of Maryland
    Program Chair:  Sam Toueg, Cornell University
  • Fourteenth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held December 5-8 in Asheville, NC.
    General Chair:  Andrew Black, DEC Cambridge Research
    Program Chair:  Barbara Liskov, MIT


  • Andrew S. Tanenbaum receives ACM Karl V. Karkstrom Outstanding Educator Award
  • Thirteenth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 14-17 in Los Angeles, CA.
    Conference Chair:  James Anderson, University of North Carolina
    Program Chair:  David Peleg, Weismann Institute and IBM T.J. Watson Research
  • Sixth European Workshop on “Matching Operating Systems to Application Needs” held September 14-16 in Wadern, Germany.
    General Chair:  Jurgen Nehmer, Universitat Kaiserslautern
    Program Chair:  Marc Shapiro, INRIA
  • Sixth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held October 5-7 in San Jose, CA.
    General Chair:   Forest Baskett, Silicon Graphics
    Program Chair:   Doug Clark, Princeton University
  • USENIX, IEEE, and SIGOPS sponsor First Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) held November 14-17 in Monterey, CA.
    Program Chair:  Jay Lepreau, University of Utah


  • New officers elected:
    Chairman:  Carla Ellis, Duke University
    Vice Chairman:  Marc Shapiro, INRIA
    Secretary-Treasurer:   Paul Leach, Microsoft
  • Fourteenth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 20-23 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
    Conference Chair:  James Anderson, University of North Carolina
    Program Chair:  Vassos Hadzilacos, University of Toronto
  • Fifteenth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held December 3-6 at Cooper Mountain Resort, CO.
    General Chair:   John Bennett, Rice University
    Program Chair:  Mark Weiser, Xerox PARC


  • Peter J. Denning receives ACM Karl V. Karkstrom Outstanding Educator Award
  • Fifteenth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held May 23-26 in Philadelphia, PA.
    Conference Chair:  James E. Burns, Bellcore
    Program Chair:  Yoram Moses, Weizmann Institute
  • SIGACT, SIGARCH, and SIGOPS sponsor Fourth Annual Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems (IOPADS) held May 27 in Philadelphia, PA.
    General Chairs:  David Kotz, Dartmouth College, Thomas H. Cormen, Dartmouth College, and Ravi Jain, Bellcore
    Program Chair:  Alok Choudhary, Syracuse University
  • Seventh European Workshop on “Systems Support for Worldwide Applications” held September 9-11 in Connemara, Ireland.
    General Chair:  Andrew Herbert, ANSA
    Program Chair:  Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Vrije University
  • Seventh International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held October 1-5 in Cambridge, MA.
    General Chair:   Bill Dally, MIT
    Program Chair:   Susan Eggers, University of Washington
  • Second Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) held October 28-31 in Seattle, WA.
    Program Chairs:  Karin Petersen, Xerox PARC, and Willy Zwaenepoel, Rice University


  • Mary Baker, Stanford University, is appointed to the new position of SIGOPS Information Director.
  • Sixteenth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 21-24 in Santa Barbara, CA.
    Conference Chair:   James E. Burns, Bellcore
    Program Chair:  Hagit Attiya, Technion
  • Sixteenth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 5-8 in Saint Malo, France.
    General Chair:  Michel Banatre, IRISA/INRIA
    Program Chair:  Hank Levy, University of Washington
  • Fifth Annual Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems (IOPADS) held November 17 in San Jose, CA
    General Chairs:  Thomas H. Cormen, Dartmouth College, and Alok Choudhary, Northwestern University
    Program Chair:  David Kotz, Dartmouth College
  • SIGOPS membership has fallen to 4335 members.


  • Jim Gray receives ACM Turing Award
  • Seventeenth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held June 28-July 2 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
    Conference Chair:   Brian Coan, Bellcore
    Program Chair:  Yehuda Afek, Tel-Aviv University
  • Eighth European Workshop on “Support for Composing Distributed Applications” held September 7-10 in Sintra, Portugal.
    General Chair:  Paulo Guedes, INESC
    Program Chair:  Jean Bacon, University of Cambridge
  • Eighth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held October 3-7 in San Jose, CA.
    General Chair:   Dileep Bhandarkar, Intel
    Program Chair:   Anant Agarwal, MIT


  • Fred Brooks receives ACM Turing Award
  • New officers elected:
    Chairman:  William E. Weihl, Compaq SRC
    Vice Chairman:  Valerie Issarny, INRIA
    Secretary-Treasurer:   David Kotz, Dartmouth College
  • Anita Borg receives ACM Distinguished Service Award
  • Third Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) held February 22-25 in New Orleans, LA.
    Program Chairs:  Margo Seltzer, Harvard University, and Paul Leach, Microsoft
  • Eighteenth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held May 4-6 in Atlanta, GA.
    Conference Chair:   Brian Coan, Bellcore
    Program Chair:  Jennifer Welch, Texas A&M University
  • Seventeenth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held December 12-15 at Kiawah Island Resort, near Charleston, SC.
    General Chair:  David Kotz, Dartmouth College
    Program Chair:  John Wilkes, HP Labs


  • Mike Dahlin, University of Texas, is appointed new Information Director.
  • Nineteenth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held July 16-19 in Portland, OR.
    Conference Chair:   Gil Neiger, Intel
    Program Chair:  James Anderson, University of North Carolina
  • Ninth European Workshop on “Beyond the PC: New Challenges for the Operating System” held September 17-20 in Kolding, Denmark.
    General Chair:  Marc Shapiro, INRIA
    Program Chair:  Paulo Guedes, INESC
  • Fourth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) held October 22-25 in San Diego, CA.
    Program Chairs:  Michael B. Jones, Microsoft Research, and Frans Kaashoek, MIT
  • First Workshop on Industrial Experiences with Systems Software (WIESS) held October 22 in San Diego in conjunction with OSDI.
    Program Chair:  Dejan S. Milojicic, HP Labs
  • Ninth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held November 12-15 in Cambridge, MA.
    General Chair:   Larry Rudolph, MIT
    Program Chair:   Anoop Gupta, Microsoft


  • New officers elected:
    Chairman:  David Kotz, Dartmouth College
    Vice Chairman:  Valerie Issarny, INRIA
    Secretary-Treasurer:   Michael Dahlin, University of Texas
    Amin Vahdat, Duke University, is appointed Information Director.
  • Twentieth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 26-29 in Newport, RI.
    Conference Chair:  Ajay Kshemkalyani, University of Illinois, Chicago
    Program Chair:  Nir Shavit, Tel Aviv University and Sun Labs
  • Eighteenth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 21-24 at Chateau Lake Louise, Banff, Canada.
    General Chair:  Keith Marzullo, U. C. San Diego
    Program Chair:  Mahadev Satyanarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University
  • First The Mark Weiser Award presented to Frans Kaashoek, MIT
  • Distinguished Service Award presented to Bill Waite, University of Colorado, who edited the Operating Systems Review newsletter for over 30 years.
  • SIGOPS membership continues to decline, and ends the year at 2880.


  • Twenty-first Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held July 21-24 in Monterey, CA.
    Conference Chair:  Aleta Ricciardi, Valaran Corporation
    Program Chair:  Keith Marzullo, U. C. San Diego
  • Tenth European Workshop on “Can We Really Depend on an OS?” held September 22-25 in Saint-Emilion, France.
    General Chair:  Gilles Muller, INRIA
    Program Chair:  Eric Jul, University of Copenhagen
  • Tenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held October 5-9 in San Jose, CA.
    General Chair:   Kourosh Gharachorloo, HP Labs
    Program Chair:   David A. Wood, University of Wisconsin
  • Mark Weiser Award presented to Mendel Rosenblum, Stanford University


  • New officers elected:
    Chairman:  Keith Marzullo, U. C. San Diego
    Vice Chairman:  Gilles Muller, Ecole des Mines de Nantes
    Secretary-Treasurer:   Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin
    Geoffrey M. Voelker, U. C. San Diego, appointed Information Director
  • Twenty-second Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held July 13-16 in Boston, MA.
    Conference Chair:  Elizabeth Borowsky, Boston College
    Program Chair:  Sergio Rajsbaum, UNAM
  • First International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys) held November 5-7 in Los Angeles, CA.
    General Chairs:  Ian Akyildiz, Georgia Tech, and Deborah Estrin, UCLA
    Program Chairs:  David Culler, U. C. Berkeley, and Mani Srivastava, UCLA
  • Nineteenth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held December at the Sagamore Resort on Lake George, NY.
    General Chair:  Michael Scott, University of Rochester
    Program Chair:  Larry Peterson, Princeton University
  • Mark Weiser Award presented to Mike Burrows, Google


  • Jeanna Matthews, Clarkson University, appointed Secretary-Treasurer
  • Twenty-third Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held July 25-28 in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
    Conference Chair:   Soma Chaudhuri, Iowa State University
    Program Chair:   Shay Kutten, Technion
  • Eleventh European Workshop held September 19-22 in Leuven, Belgium.
    General Chair:  Yolande Berbers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
    Program Chair:  Miguel Castro, Microsoft Research
  • Eleventh International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held October 9-13 in Boston, MA.
    General Chair:   Shubu Mukherjee, Intel
    Program Chair:   Kathryn S. McKinley, University of Texas
  • Second International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys) held November 3-5 in Baltimore, MD.
    General Chair:  John A. Stankovic, University of Virginia
    Program Chairs:  Anish Arora, Ohio State University, and Ramesh Govindan, University of Southern California
  • Mark Weiser Award presented to Brian Bershad, University of Washington


  • Twenty-fourth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held July 17-20 in Las Vegas, NV.
    Conference Chair:  Marcos Aguilera, HP Labs
    Program Chair:  James Aspnes, Yale
  • Twentieth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 23-26 in Brighton, England.
    General Chair:  Andrew Herbert, Microsoft Cambridge Research
    Program Chair:  Ken Birman, Cornell University
  • Mark Weiser Award presented to Tom Anderson, University of Washington
  • Third International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys) held November 2-4 in San Diego, CA.
    General Chair:  Jason Redi, BBN Technologies
    Program Chairs:  Hari Balakrishnan, MIT, and Feng Zhao, Microsoft Research


  • Jeanna Matthews, Clarkson University, takes over as Editor of Operating Systems Review (replacing Bill Waite, who had been serving as Editor since 1972!)
  • Membership dues are raised from $15 to $20 per year.
  • First EuroSys Conference held April 18-21 in Leuven, Belgium.
    General Chair:  Yolande Berbers, K. U. Leuven
    Program Chair:  Will Zwaenepoel, EPFL
  • Second International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE)held June 14-16 in Ottawa, Canada.
    General Chair:  Hans Boehm, HP Labs
    Program Chair:  David Grove, IBM Research
  • Twenty-fifth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held July 23-26 in Denver, CO.
    Conference Chair:   Eric Ruppert, York University
    Program Chair:   Dahlia Malkhi, Microsoft Research
  • Twelfth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held October 21-25 in San Jose, CA.
    General Chair:   John Shen, Intel
    Program Chair:   Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University
  • Fourth International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys) held October 31-November 3 in Boulder, CO.
    General Chair:  Andrew Campbell, Dartmouth University
    Program Chairs:  Philippe Bonnet, University of Copenhagen, and John Heidemann, USC
  • Mark Weiser Award presented to Dawson Engler, Stanford University


  • New officers elected:
    Chairman:  Doug Terry, Microsoft Research
    Vice Chairman:  Frank Bellosa, University of Karlsruhe
    Secretary-Treasurer:   Jeanna Matthews, Clarkson University
    Jeanna Matthews also remains newsletter Editor, and Thomas Bressoud, Denison University, becomes the Associate Editor.
    Stefan Saroiu, University of Toronto, is appointed Information Director.
  • Second EuroSys Conference held March 21-23 in Lisbon, Portugal.
    General Chair:  Paulo Ferreira, Technical University of Lisbon
    Program Chair:  Thomas Gross, ETH Zurich
  • Third International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE)held June 13-15 in San Diego, CA.
    General Chair:  Chandra Krintz, U. C. Santa Barbara
    Program Chairs:  Steven Hand, University of Cambridge, and David Tarditi, Microsoft Research
  • Twenty-sixth Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)held August 12-15 in Portland, OR.
    Conference Chair:   Indranil Gupta, UIUC
    Program Chair:   Roger Wattenhofer, ETH Zurich
  • Twenty-first Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 14-17 in Stevenson, WA.
    General Chair:  Tom Bressoud, Denison University
    Program Chair:  Frans Kaashoek, MIT
  • Mark Weiser Award presented to Peter Chen, University of Michigan
  • Fifth International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys) held November 6-9 in Sydney, Australia.
    General Chair:  Sanjay Jha, University of New South Wales
    Program Chairs:  Phillip B. Gibbons, Intel Research, and Akos Ledeczi, Vanderbilt University


  • Barbara Liskov receives ACM Turing Award
  • Thirteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held March 1-5 in Seattle, WA.
    General Chair:   Susan Eggers, University of Washington
    Program Chair:   James Larus, Microsoft Research
  • Fourth International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE)held March 5-7 in Seattle, WA.
    General Chair:  David Gregg, Trinity College Dublin
    Program Chairs:  Vikram Adve, University of Illinois, and Brian Bershad, University of Washington
  • Third EuroSys Conference held March 31-April 4 in Glasgow, Scotland.
    General Chair:  Joe Sventek, University of Glasglow
    Program Chair:  Steven Hand, University of Cambridge
  • Mark Weiser award presented to Peter Druschel, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems


  • Ed Lazowska receives ACM Distinguished Service Award
  • Fourteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held March 7-11 in Washington, DC, USA.
    General Chair:   Mary Lou Soffa, University of Virginia
    Program Chair:   Mary Jane Irwin, Penn State University
  • International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) held March 11-13 in Washington, DC, USA.
    General Chair:  Tony Hosking, Purdue University
    Program Chairs:  David F. Bacon, IBM Research and Orran Krieger, VMware
  • EuroSys Conference held 1-3 April in Nuremberg, Germany.
    General Chair:  Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
    Program Chair:  John Wilkes, Google Mt View
  • Twenty-Second Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 14-17 in Big Sky, Montana, USA.
    General Chair:  Jeanna Matthews, Clarkson University
    Program Chair:  Thomas Anderson, University of Washington
    Keynote:  Barbara Liskov’s Turing Award Lecture.
  • Mark Weiser award presented to Eric Brewer, UC Berkeley


  • Fifteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held March 13-17 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
    General Chair:  James C. Hoe, CMU
    Program Chair:   Vikram S. Adve, UIUC
  • International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) held March 17-19 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
    General Chair:  Marc E. Fiuczynski, Princeton University
    Program Chairs:  Emery Berger, UMass Amherst and Andrew Warfield, University of British Columbia
  • EuroSys Conference held 13-16 April in Paris, France.
    General Chair:  Christine Morin, INRIA Rennes
    Program Chair:  Gilles Muller, INRIA
  • Mark Weiser award presented to Robert Morris, MIT


  • New officers elected:
    Chairman:  Jeanna Neefe Matthews, Clarkson
    Vice Chairman:  George Candea, EPFL
    Secretary-Treasurer:  Dilma Da Silva, IBM Research
    Muli Ben-Yehuda, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, is appointed Information Director
  • Tom Bressoud has expanded his role with OSR from associate editor to co- editor.
  • Sixteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held March 5-11 in Newport Beach, CA, USA.
    General Chair:  Rajiv Gupta, UC Riverside
    Program Chair:  Todd Mowry, CMU
  • International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) held March 9-11 in Newport Beach, CA, USA.
    General Chair:  Erez Petrank, Technion
    Program Chairs:  Doug Lea, SUNY Oswego
  • EuroSys Conference held 10-13 April in Salzburg, Austria.
    General Chair:  Christoph Kirsch, University of Salzburg
    Program Chair:  Gernot Heiser, University of New South Wales
  • Twenty-Third Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 23-26 in Cascais, Portugal.
    General Chair:  Ted Wobber, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
    Program Chair:  Peter Druschel, MPI-SWS
  • Mark Weiser award presented to Miguel Castro, Microsoft Research


  • Seventeenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held March 3-7 in London, UK.
    General Chair:   Tim Harris, Microsoft Research
    Program Chair:   Michael L. Scott, University of Rochester
  • International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) held March 3-4 in London, UK.
    General Chair:  Steve Hand, U. Cambridge
    Program chair:  Dilma da Silva, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
  • EuroSys Conference held 10-13 April in Bern, Switzerland.
    General Chair:  Pascal Felber, University of Neuchâtel
    Program Chairs:  Frank Bellosa, KIT and Herbert Bos, VU University
  • Mark Weiser award presented to Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, Google


  • Eighteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held March 16–20 in Houston, Texas.
    General Chair:   Vivek Sarkar, Rice University
    Program Chair:   Rastislav Bodik, University of California — Berkeley
  • International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) held March 16-17 in Houston, Texas.
    General Chair:  Steve Muir, VMware
    Program Chairs:  Steve Blackburn, Australian National University; Gernot Heiser, University of New South Wales
  • EuroSys Conference held 14-17 April in Prague, Czech Republic.
    General Chair:  Zdenek Hanzalek, Czech Technical University Prague; Hermann Hartig, Technische Universitat Dresden
    Program Chair:  Miguel Castro, Microsoft Research Cambridge; Frans Kaashoek, MIT
  • Twenty-Fifth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 4-7 in Monterey, CA, USA.
    General Chair:  Michael Kaminsky, Intel Labs
    Program Chair:  Mike Dahlin, Google and UT Austin
  • Mark Weiser award presented to Stefan Savage, University of California – San Diego
  • Dennis M. Ritchie Doctoral Dissertation Award presented to Mona Attariyan, University of Michigan
  • Shan Lu, University of Wisconsin — Madison, is appointed Information Director


  • Nineteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held March 1-5 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
    General Chair:   Rajeev Balasubramonian, Univ. of Utah; Al Davis, Univ. of Utah
    Program Chair:   Sarita Adve, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) held March 1-2 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
    General Chair:  Martin Hirzel, IBM Research
    Program chair:  Erez Petrank and Dan Tsafrir, Technion
  • EuroSys Conference held 13-16 April in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    General Chair:  Dick Bulterman, CWI; Herbert Bos, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    Program Chairs:  Ant Rowstron, Microsoft Research Cambridge and Peter Druschel, MPI-SWS
  • Mark Weiser award presented to Eddie Kohler, Harvard University
  • Dennis M. Ritchie Doctoral Dissertation Award presented to Austin T. Clements, MIT


  • New officers elected:
    Chairman:  Robbert Van Renesse, Cornell University
    Vice Chairman:  Shan Lu, University of Chicago
    Secretary-Treasurer:  Kaoutar El Maghraoui, IBM Research
  • Twentieth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held March 14–18 in Istanbul, Turkey.
    General Chair:   Ozcan Ozturk, Bilkent University; Kemal Ebcioglu, Global Supercomputing
    Program Chair:   Sandhya Dwarkadas, University of Rochester
  • International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) held March 14-15 in Istanbul, Turkey.
    General Chair:  Ada Gavrilovska, Georgia Tech
    Program Chairs:  Angela Demke Brown, University of Toronto; Bjarne Steensgaard, Microsoft
  • EuroSys Conference held 21-24 April in Bordeaux, France.
    General Chair:  Laurent Reveillere, University of Bordeaux
    Program Chair:  Tim Harris, Oracle Labs, UK; Maurice Herlihy, Brown University, USA
  • Twenty-Fifth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) held October 4-7 in Monterey, CA, USA.
    General Chair:  Ethan L. Miller, Univ. of California Santa Cruz
    Program Chair:  Steven Hand, Google
  • Håvard D. Johansen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, is appointed Information Director


  • Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) held April 2–6 in Atlanta, GA, USA.
    • General Chair: Tom Conte (Georgia Tech)
    • Program Chair: Yuanyuan Zhou (University of California, San Diego)
  • EuroSys Conference held 18-21 April in London, UK.
    • General Chairs:  Cristian Cadar and Peter Pietzuch, Imperial College London, UK
    • Program Chair:  Kimberly Keeton, HP Labs, USA; and Rodrigo Rodrigues, Instituto Superior Técnico (Univ. Lisbon) and INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal
  • International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) held April 2-3 in Atlanta, GA, USA.
    • General Chair: Vishakha Gupta, Intel.
    • Program Chairs: Don Porter, Stony Brook University.
  • Mark Weiser Award
    • Presented to Antony Rowstron, Microsoft Research Cambridge.
  • Dennis M. Ritchie Doctoral Dissertation Award
    • presented to Vijay Chidambaram for his dissertaion “Orderless and Eventually
      Durable File Systems” at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • The Hall of Fame Award
    • presented to Fay Chang, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Wilson C. Hsieh, Deborah A. Wallach, Mike Burrows, Tushar Chandra, Andrew Fikes, and Robert E. Gruber; for their paper “Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured
      Data”, published at OSDI 2006.


  • Newly appointed co-editors of Operating System Review
    • Mark Silberstein (Technion),
    • Chris Rossbach (UT Austin),
    • Kishore Pusukuri (LinkedIn)
  • New appointed Awards Chair
    • Nickolai Zeldovich (MIT)
  • Eusosys Conference held 23-26 April in Belrgrade, Serbia
    • General Chair: Marko Vukolić (IBM Research – Zurich)
    • Program Committee Chairs: Gustavo Alonso (ETH Zurich) and
      Ricardo Bianchini (Microsoft Research)
  • SOSP 2017: The 26th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles held 28-31 October in Shanghain, China.
    • General Chairs:  Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) and Lidong Zhou (Microsoft).
    • Program Committee Chairs:  Lorenzo Alvisi (Cornell University) and  Peter Chen ( University of Michigan).
  • ASPLOS 2017: 22nd ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems held 8-12 April in Xi’an, China.
    • General Chairs: Yunji Chen (ICT, CAS) and Olivier Temam (Google)
    • Program Chair: John Carter (IBM)
  • PODC 2017: The ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing.
    • General Chair: Elad Schiller (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
    • Program Committee Chair: Alexander Schwarzmann (University of Connecticut, USA)
  • VEE 2017: The 13th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments was held 8-9 April in Xi’an, China
    • General Chair: Todd Mytkowicz (Microsoft Research)
    • Program Co-chairs: Tim Harris (Oracle Labs) & Galen Hunt (Microsoft Research)
  • SoCC 2017: The 8th The ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing was held 25-27 September in Santa Clara, California, USA.
    • General Chair: Hakim Weatherspoon (Cornell University)
    • Program Chairs: Mahesh Balakrishnan (Yale University) and Carlo Curino (Microsoft)
  • SYSTOR 2017: The 10th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference held 22-24 May in Haifa, Israel.
    • General Chair: Doron Chen (IBM)
    • Program Chairs: Peter Desnoyers (Northeastern University) and Eyal de Lara (University of Toronto)
  • HOTOS 2017: The 16th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems was held 7-10 May at in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
    • General Chair: Rachit Agarwal (Cornell University) and
      Ivan Beschastnikh (University of British Columbia)
    • Program Chairs: Alexandra Fedorova (University of British Columbia) and
      Andrew Warfield (University of British Columbia)
  • The Mark Weiser Award
    • Nickolai Zeldovich (MIT)
  • The Dennis M. Ritchie Award
    • Haogang Chen (MIT). Certifying a Crash-Safe File System
  • The W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing
    • Elizabeth Borowsky and Eli Gafni for “Generalized FLP impossibility result for t-resilient asynchronous computations.”


  • EuroSys 2018 was held 23-26 April in Porto, Portugal.
    • General Chair: Rui Oliveira (INESC TEC & University of Minho)
    • Program Committee Chairs: Pascal Felber (University of Neuchâtel) and Y. Charlie Hu, (Purdue University)
  • SATIS 2018: The 1st ACM SIGOPS Summer School on Advanced Topics in Systems held 14-17 August in Sommarøy /Tromsø, Norway.
    • General Chair: Håvard Dagenborg Johansen (University of Tromsø),
    • Program Committee:  Robbert van Renesse, Chair (Cornell University), Fred B. Schneider (Cornell University), Dag Johansen (University of Tromsø), and Lorenzo Alvisi (Cornell University).
  • The Mark Weiser Award
    • Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau and Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  • Hall of Fame Award
    • Yuan Yu, Michael Isard, Dennis Fetterly, Mihai Budiu, Úlfar Erlingsson, Pradeep Kumar Gunda, and Jon Currey. DryadLINQ: A System for General-Purpose Distributed Data-Parallel Computing Using a High-Level Language. In OSDI’08: Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Conference on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2008.
    • Cristian Cadar, Daniel Dunbar, and Dawson Engler. KLEE: Unassisted and Automatic Generation of High-Coverage Tests for Complex Systems Programs. In OSDI’08: Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Conference on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2008.


  • July. Elected officers – July
    • Shan Lu (Chair)
    • Phillip Stanley-Marbell (Vice Chair)
    • Brad Karp (Secretary-Treasurer)
  • Eurosys 2019 was held 25-28 March in Dresden, Germany
    • General Chair: Christof Fetzer, TU Dresden
    • Program Committee Chairs: George Candea (EPFL) and Robbert Van Renesse (Cornell University)
  • SOSP 2019 was held 27-30 October at the Derrhurst Resort, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
    • General Chairs: Tim Brecht (University of Waterloo) and Carey Williamson (University of Calgary)
    • PC Chair: Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau (University of Wisconsin) and Yuanyuan Zhou, University (California San Diego)
    • Treasurer: Martin Karsten (University of Waterloo)
  • Dennis M. Ritchie Award:
    • Sebastian Angel
  • Mark Weiser Award:
    • Ion Stoica, University of California, Berkeley.
  • Hall of Fame Award:
    • Kirk Glerum, Kinshuman Kinshumann, Steve Greenberg, Gabriel Aul, Vince Orgovan, Greg Nichols, David Grant, Gretchen Loihle, and Galen Hunt. Debugging in the (Very) Large: Ten Years of Implementation and Experience. In SOSP ’09 Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22nd symposium on Operating Systems principles.
    • Gerwin Klein, Kevin Elphinstone, Gernot Heiser, June Andronick, David Cock, Philip Derrin, Dhammika Elkaduwe, Kai Engelhardt, Rafal Kolanski, Michael Norrish, Thomas Sewell, Harvey Tuch, and Simon Winwood. seL4: formal verification of an OS kernel In SOSP ’09 Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22nd symposium on Operating systems principles.


  • Hall of Fame Award
    • William Enck, Peter Gilbert, Byung-Gon Chun, Landon P. Cox, Jaeyeon Jung, Patrick McDaniel, and Anmol N. Sheth. For their paper TaintDroid: An Information-Flow Tracking System for Realtime Privacy Monitoring on Smartphones. In OSDI’10: Proceedings of the 9th USENIX conference on Operating systems design and implementation.
    • Andrew Baumann, Paul Barham, Pierre-Evariste Dagand, Tim Harris, Rebecca Isaacs, Simon Peter, Timothy Roscoe, Adrian Schüpbach, and Akhilesh Singhania. For their paper The Multikernel: A New OS Architecture for Scalable Multicore Systems. In SOSP ’09: Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22nd symposium on Operating systems principles.


  • Hall of Fame Award
    • Teemu Koponen, Martin Casado, Natasha Gude, Jeremy Stribling, Leon Poutievski, Min Zhu, Rajiv Ramanathan, Yuichiro Iwata, Hiroaki Inoue, Takayuki Hama, and Scott Shenker. For their paper: Onix: A Distributed Control Platform for Large-scale Production Networks. In OSDI’10: Proceedings of the 9th USENIX conference on Operating systems design and implementation.


  • Hall of Fame Award
    • James C. Corbett, Jeffrey Dean, Michael Epstein, Andrew Fikes, Christopher Frost, JJ Furman, Sanjay Ghemawat, Andrey Gubarev, Christopher Heiser, Peter Hochschild, Wilson Hsieh, Sebastian Kanthak, Eugene Kogan, Hongyi Li, Alexander Lloyd, Sergey Melnik, David Mwaura, David Nagle, Sean Quinlan, Rajesh Rao, Lindsay Rolig, Yasushi Saito, Michal Szymaniak, Christopher Taylor, Ruth Wang, and Dale Woodford, Google, Inc. For their paper Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database. In OSDI’12: Proceedings of the 10th USENIX conference on Operating systems design and implementation.


  • Elected officers – July
    • Haibo Chen (Chair)
    • Ding Yuan (Vice Chair)
    • KyoungSoo Park (Secretary-Treasurer)

SIGOPS workshops

A history of SIGOPS workshop can be found in our archives.